Unicorn Sparkle Necklace for Flynn’s Mission Six (6) Fundraiser
While this little unicorn charm necklace is not made in Michigan, the sales of this necklace were initiated by a local girl and her grandmother to raise funds for the Mission Six Service Dogs program. We’re just hosting this f7ndr100% of the sale price of this necklace will be donated to Mission Six
Mission Six is committed to blessing military veterans with independence and healing that can only be realized through the service dog experience. We begin by training German Shepherd Dogs with public access skills and performance tasks that mitigate specific limitations inherent to PTSD and TBI. Veterans invest themselves deeply in becoming Handlers. They study and apply solidly grounded principles of canine psychology while building an affective relationship as the leader of a service dog team. The Handler's education will also include an in-depth knowledge of their legal and moral rights, state and federal laws, rules and responsibilities. Integrity must be restored to the Service Dog industry. Mission Six is uniquely positioned to be a catalyst of integrity while enhancing the lives of those who suffer.